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The average age a girl is first used in the sex trade is 14.  The most common ways a child is recruited by a sex trafficker is through social circles and home neighborhood.  Below is a list of different ways you can make an effort to help stop & address the issue of sex trafficking and exploitation of Black girls. 

       5 Ways YOU Can TAKE ACTION:


1. Raise awareness about sex trafficking and encourage your networks to get involved on social media. Use hashtag #STOPTRAFFICKOFBLACKGIRLS.


2. Join the For Her Movement and learn how your $365 tax-deductible donation will help support and provide services and opportunities to Black girls who are vulnerable to and survivors of sex trafficking and abuse.


3. Pledge to vote YES for the Safe Harbor Amendment on November 8, 2016!  If the amendment passes successfully, it will provide permanent funds for services and support to children who were bought or sold for sex.


4. Sign up for youthSpark’s free 6-week HTCourse to learn about the realities of youth sex trafficking and practical ways to take action.  Text the word: HTCourse to 313131. 


5. Check to see if your company-owned phone numbers have been used to call or send text messages to decoy ads for trafficked girls, boys, and transgender youth.

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